Your Search for: eosinophilic-esophagitis

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...any nutrient gaps in their diet. For instance, many children with milk and soy allergies use Neocate Junior as a major source of protein, calcium, vitamin D, and other nutrients important for bone health. The same is true for Neocate Splash. Some children require an amino acid-based formula to meet their full caloric needs. Some examples would be a child with eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) that is on a strict amino acid-based diet for six weeks,...
02/28/2012 with a great Neocate-only pudding recipe such as Nutra Mashed Potatoes. But why stop with potatoes? Experiment with mixing the different flavors of Neocate Junior and Splash with Neocate Nutra to come up with different flavors. Top Eight Allergen-Free Lunch Ideas If your child is on an elimination diet for eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) or is avoiding all of the eight major allergens, you can offer some different food options along with one of the...
...the doctor, who removes the patches and assesses skin irritation (redness and swelling), which may indicate an allergy to the substance applied at that site. Advantages: Patch testing can be especially useful in diagnosing delayed allergic reactions, non-IgE-mediated food allergies, eosinophilic esophagitis, food allergy-related gastrointestinal symptoms, and food allergy-related atopic dermatitis. With these types of food allergies, offending foods are often difficult to pinpoint and are often not detected by other types of allergy testing....
Allergy-Friendly foods are for everyone, but do you know why? Allergy-Friendly Foods are everywhere. Since these foods are everywhere, sometimes we step back and think, and often make a change in our life. I get involved, as a dietician, when a change in your health is sparked. I know the word ‘diet’ is perceived as a forbidden 4-letter word, often for many wrong reasons. In reality, diet is just the general term for...
...Today’s post will go a bit further into explaining the product Duocal as a follow up to our “Failure to Thrive: My child is underweight, what should I do?” blog. It may be a good option for a child with failure to thrive (or FTT) as well as other conditions such as multiple food protein intolerance and conditions related to food allergies such as Eosinophilic Esophagitis (or EE), Gastroesophageal reflux disease (or GERD),...
May, 2014 is a big month for families managing food allergies and sensitivities. To begin with, FARE has declared May to be Food Allergy Action Month! In years past FARE organized Food Allergy Awareness Week, but one week just wasn’t enough time to raise awareness and inspire action. For the estimated 15 million Americans with food allergies, this is an ideal time to work together to improve understanding of food allergy, advance the...
...together about a food allergy? The good news is there are a lot of books on the market that can help you breach this topic. You can also find books for many complex medical conditions, such as ‘Gus the Esophagus‘ to help understand eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) and ‘Purcey’s FPIES Surprise‘ to understand Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Synrome (FPIES).   4 – Share a video Videos can be excellent teaching tools, for children and adults. For young...
Needing allergy-friendly treats to host a birthday party for your food-allergic child who’s on a restricted diet? When your child has a food allergy or another condition limits foods he can eat, a typical birthday cake may not be an option. For example, most cakes and baked goods call for dairy, eggs, and wheat. All three are among the top eight allergens in the US! In fact, fish and shellfish are the only...

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