Your Search for: school-social-situations

66 Result(s)

...ideas for a food-free Halloween Halloween tips for at school: discussion with parents and teachers Trick-or-treating checklist Examples of non-food treats Fun ways to celebrate KFA’s guide on how to read Halloween candy labels is also extremely thorough and helpful! Join the Teal Pumpkin Project! Food Allergy Reserach & Education (FARE) started a campaign to help raise awareness of food allergies and promote inclusion of all kids on Halloween. Included are helpful ideas for non-food...
...Busy, busy, busy! Our lives seem to be non-stop with everyone in the family going in different directions with work, school and activity schedules. Having some designated time for the family is important for bonding and reconnecting. For those with food allergies, making this time a non-food event is also important. Make it a priority, plan it out, turn it OFF (TV, computer and video games) and make it fun. Following are some ideas...
...prepared” with both plans in place and an emergency kit. Following are some suggestions for both. Plans Wear a food allergy awareness bracelet Prepare an Emergency Action Plan Schedule Calendar alerts for updating allergy-related information and Emergency Kits Emergency Kit Decide where emergency kits are needed: home, school and travel/car Store kits in a temperature-controlled area Use an easily accessible, durable case that is clearly marked Supplies: 2 epinephrine auto-injectors, if prescribed Oral antihistamines Small...
...Your beginning to pull out the tank tops and shorts, the local park is getting crowded and the neighborhood pool is about to open. All of this must mean…it’s summertime! Many allergy parents breathe a sigh of relief when the school year is over. Not only does life slow down for a bit, but you also don’t have to fret about what your child’s friend brought for lunch or what type of cake...
...Not so fast. School might be out, but with camp, fairs, carnivals and trips to fun places…summer is not the time to let your guard down about food allergies. Of course, it is summer…you and your children should go to the pool, have picnics and play in the sun! You just need to do these activities as food-conscience as you do all the others throughout the year. Here are a few tips: Call ahead...
...other advice for safe trick-or-treating and school parties. Gina Clowes of Allergy Moms has 15 Halloween Safety Tips in her latest newsletter. She recommends pulling a “switcheroo” and buying two of the same treat collectors, letting your little one trick-or-treat, but then swapping their loot out with the safe version once you get home. Over on Go Dairy Free, Alisa Fleming answers a question about dairy-free candy options. The Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network has...
11/17/2015 a Park’ initiative, families get an opportunity to experience our country’s natural treasures, rich history and vibrant culture FREE OF CHARGE! Get the Every Kid in a Park pass, good for the 2015-2016 school year until August 31, 2016. It provides free access to national parks, forests, and wildlife refuges, plus much more! 2. Who doesn’t like a treasure hunt? Going to new places and hunting for treasure is more fun if your family...
With the change in weather, maybe you’re looking for some good recipes for cool weather, like me. Here are some great recipes that are food allergy-friendly and ideal for colder weather. As always, make sure these recipes are a fit based on your food allergens. After being outside Is there anything better than coming back into a warm house after building a snowman, skiing, sledding, ice-skating or just being out in the cold?...

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