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Traveling with Neocate – Ready, Set, Go!
...When traveling with Neocate, there is always a lot to consider when planning a trip. Where will you go, how will you get there, who will join you in your adventure? Traveling with a food allergy adds yet another caveat to the plan. What will you eat and how much Neocate will you need to bring? Some parents wonder about the best way to bring and travel with Neocate. Some become concerned about...
...Are you going on vacation with your family this summer? Traveling with allergies can be daunting, but that doesn’t mean you need to avoid travel altogether. Take steps to minimize the chance of you or a loved one having an allergic reaction while on the road. Whether you’re traveling by car, plane, or train, transporting Neocate requires preparation. Follow our checklist to make sure that you are prepared for your journey. Don’t forget...
...overnight with the contents of my purse! Traveling with food allergies does take more preparation but it’s worth it! If you’re feeling timid about taking food allergies on the road, here are a few tips to nudge you on your way. Planes, Trains and Automobiles A lot of allergy moms shy away from plane travel but if you fly first thing in the morning, and carry on your child’s food and drink, it can be...
...make traveling with food allergies just a bit easier Tips for traveling by train, plane, or automobile with Neocate Stay up-to-date with all things Neocate using the Neocate Footstep App! Learn more about TSA special procedures for traveling here Calling the TSA Cares hotline to answer questions about what you can bring on an airplane at 1-855-787-2227 Kids with Food Allergies offers eight great travel tips to help avoid allergic reactions and enjoy the holidays...
06/04/2009 being used for the class birthday party. However, the summer brings a whole new set of worries — travel. It can often be difficult to be away from home for a long period of time with a baby or child with food allergies. You aren’t able to cook your normal meals and you don’t have the unlimited formula supply at your fingertips. But, with the right preparation, your trip will be allergy-free and will...
...for food allergies Neocate Food Allergy Cookbook Whole Foods dairy-free holiday recipes Whole Foods gluten-free holiday recipes Helpful Articles for Celebrating Thanksgiving with Food Allergies Food Allergy Etiquette for Thanksgiving and Holiday Parties Thanksgiving with Food Allergies An Allergy-free Thanksgiving on the Horizon Thanksgiving Survival Tips Food Allergy Travel Tips: You Can Take it with You Do you have any allergy-friendly recipes or holiday tips to share? Any question about recipe substitutions? Ask away!  ...
...from the mouth to the stomach, where the majority of digestion begins. Disorders of the Esophagus The LES prevents the stomach contents and acids from coming up into the esophagus. When the LES does not work properly, stomach acids can travel backwards into the esophagus, a condition we know as reflux. This can lead to symptoms like heartburn, coughing, or hoarseness. When reflux occurs frequently and causes symptoms, this is known as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease...
...for travel. You will also want to include a liquid antihistamine (Benadryl) and a measuring spoon if that is part of your plan. These steps don’t need to be done in any particular order, but they will lay the groundwork for the changes that lie ahead. If you can educate yourself, find some support in your spouse and friends and if you have an allergist you can work with you are well on your way...

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