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...A Food Allergy Action Plan outlines the recommended actions to take if your child experiences an allergic reaction. It is important to create a Food Allergy Action Plan for your child and provide it to their school, camp, coaches, other parents, or anyone else who may need to assist your child in case of a food allergy-related emergency. If you are new to food allergies, you may be wondering where to start. We’ve compiled...
...organizations, researchers, industry, medical professionals, and legislators all around the globe to amplify your voice to be heard across the world. Tips for success: You may not realize that you advocate for yourself and your loved ones regularly and likely with great success. Educating family members, school classmates or faculty, coworkers, and your community members on your needs in relation to your diet and rare disease is advocating for yourself. But let’s take a moment...
Teaching your child about social distancing
Social distancing is a new concept for all of us – and as hard as it is for adults to adopt, getting children to understand and cooperate with our new normal is super challenging. Here are some tips to help your little ones put social distancing into practice. “Six feet apart” may not mean much to children and could be hard for them to understand why it’s important to follow. Here are some...
...Not so fast. School might be out, but with camp, fairs, carnivals and trips to fun places…summer is not the time to let your guard down about food allergies. Of course, it is summer…you and your children should go to the pool, have picnics and play in the sun! You just need to do these activities as food-conscience as you do all the others throughout the year. Here are a few tips: Call ahead...
...Your beginning to pull out the tank tops and shorts, the local park is getting crowded and the neighborhood pool is about to open. All of this must mean…it’s summertime! Many allergy parents breathe a sigh of relief when the school year is over. Not only does life slow down for a bit, but you also don’t have to fret about what your child’s friend brought for lunch or what type of cake...
With the change in weather, maybe you’re looking for some good recipes for cool weather, like me. Here are some great recipes that are food allergy-friendly and ideal for colder weather. As always, make sure these recipes are a fit based on your food allergens. After being outside Is there anything better than coming back into a warm house after building a snowman, skiing, sledding, ice-skating or just being out in the cold?...
Now that summer has officially begun and the 4th of July is quickly approaching, you’re probably beginning to worry about upcoming picnics, cookouts, and days at the beach. Can your child with a severe allergy safely join in on the fun? Of course! With some careful planning and the right attitude, you and your child can enjoy the summer. Here are some tips to keep in mind: Develop a list of your little...
Many parents of children with allergies worry about how to handle children going to parties for friends where food will be served. But what should you do when you’re the host and you’re worried about visitors with allergies? Every year I host a holiday party and share the same concerns. With friends who have allergies to wheat and tree nuts and vegetarian friends, what would Martha Stewart recommend? Know Your Guests When you...

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