Your Search for: formula-to-whole-milk

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...acids – make us unique among formula types! In this post, we answer common questions about carbohydrates in Neocate products. Why do you use carbohydrates in Neocate? Carbohydrates are one of the primary nutrients our bodies need to grow and thrive. Carbohydrates include most fibers, starches, and sugars, and most carbohydrates in our diets come from plants. (Did you know? Glucose – a type of sugar – is the primary energy source for the human...
Importance of fiber in childhood when it comes to food allergies
...a wheat allergy would need a fiber source with no ingredients from wheat. They might also need to avoid related grains like barley, rye, or oat. For children with food allergies who need a nutritionally complete, hypoallergenic formula, fiber intake can be more of a challenge. Neocate Junior is the only hypoallergenic formula for children that has added prebiotic fiber. The fiber in Neocate Junior come from the root of the chicory plant and was...
...nutrition yourself, breastfeeding and formulas are an option. Your doctor may recommend an amino acid-based formula such as Neocate for your baby. Neocate is on 100% free amino acids based, the building blocks of protein. Your child’s body can easily digest and absorb these simple building blocks to grow. In comparison, milk- and soy-based formulas, even when broken down (hydrolyzed), still contain partial protein chains to which sensitive children can react. Learn More About Neocate...
...Try the Neocate Food Allergy Cookbook. A pudding or something similar makes a great third layer. Boxed pudding mixes aren’t an option? Then make a starch-based pudding and replace cow milk with fruit juice. Another option is to create a pudding using Neocate Nutra (if your child is over the age of 6 months). We find that mixing Neocate Nutra with half the water that the directions suggest gives a nice pudding-like consistency. You could...
...have a milk allergy, which more specifically an allergy to a protein in cow milk. Proteins found in one food can be similar in shape to proteins in other or related foods. When that’s the case, sometimes your immune system cannot tell the difference. The question then is: If you are allergic to one food’s proteins, will you also be allergic to the protein in a related food? The state of being allergic to two...
FPIES Diet & Management
There is currently no cure for FPIES. Once FPIES is diagnosed, there is nothing to do but avoid the trigger foods. As with many other food allergies, children with FPIES usually outgrow FPIES within a few...
...Restrictive Breakfast Ideas For children who avoid dairy and only one or two other allergens, we have some great breakfast suggestions in our online Neocate Footsteps Recipe Book, a compilation of recipes submitted by families. You can also browse available recipes on the Recipes section of this website. To cook your families favorite breakfast without milk, use Neocate formula instead. While this might require some experimenting, it will provide high levels of most nutrients from...
...added to foods or formula. More on that below! Prebiotics versus Probiotics: How do you define probiotics? Here is a list of characteristics that have been used to define what makes a microbe a probiotic: a live microorganism (meaning that it’s a bacteria, yeast, fungus, or alga that is still alive or dormant) that, when administered in adequate amounts (meaning you have to take enough of it) confers a health benefit on the host (that’s...

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