Your Search for: food-safety

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...When you have a child who suffers from food allergies, going out to dinner may seem impossible. Imagine all the questions you have to ask, items you have to keep track of, and letting go of kitchen control! Fortunately many large restaurant chains have picked up on how important it is to make sure they offer options and service to families managing food allergies. Many have standardized menus, which often include ingredient information, which...
10/14/2008 possible to make sure Halloween is both safe and fun for your food allergy kids. Of course, safety always comes first. But our goal is for you and your family to have a healthy and happy Halloween! Check out the following tips. First, let’s talk about safety: – Be prepared in case an emergency happens. Have a set plan in place that all participating people know about before the activities begin. – Be sure...
...For parents of children with severe food allergies, sending them off to school can be a scary thing. Not only is there a risk that they will accidentally be exposed to an allergen, but bullying is on the rise. The best way to guard against this is to educate your child’s school about food allergies, from the students to their principal and everyone in between. To get you started, we’ve put together a...
...Three million children are affected by food allergies in the US. Studies have also suggested that food allergies persist longer in life than was once previously assumed.1Food allergies can have a wide ranging negative effect on children and their families, affecting life at home as well as the social lives of the family. Sending a food allergic child to school, camp or any child care can be a scary task for a parent. Doctors...
...As we all know, children with food allergies often go on restricted or special diets to eliminate the offensive foods. This can be challenging for the child, but also the entire family. One example I read that resonated with me was about a 4-year old girl with food allergies who had to be put on a restrictive diet. She did not handle this well and would become angry at friends and family. She especially...
...If you have toddlers, you know that January through March is preschool sign-up season. Starting preschool is a big step for all parents and children. If you have a child with food allergies, this may be the first time your child has spent extended periods of time outside of your care. So, it is extra important to find a preschool or childcare facility that is willing to accommodate your child’s allergies, and to make...
...Many parents of children with food allergies and related conditions figure out over time how to explain the condition to others. Do you remember trying to explain your little one’s medical condition to someone for the first time? I remember the first time I tried to explain a rare allergic condition to someone: lots of head-scratching! If it’s hard for us as adults to figure out how to explain complicated medical conditions to other...
...If you’re reading this article, chances are your child has recently had a frightening allergic reaction. Or, after months of colic, acid reflux, eczema, hives or wheezing, your child was finally diagnosed with multiple food allergies. With either of these events, you may not realize it, but you’ve been hit by the allergy avalanche. If you are at all like I was when I when the avalanche got me, you’re wondering how in...

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