Your Search for: elimination-diet

60 Result(s)

...Hi my name is Zachary and I am 13 years old. I was diagnosed with eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) at 13 months of age. I have had this disease my entire life. Besides EoE, I have food allergies. In the beginning I was on formula only (an elemental diet, which is only amino acid-based nutrition) because there weren’t any foods that were safe for me to eat. When I was 9 years old and in...
...Neocate Junior and Neocate Splash While Neocate Junior and Neocate Junior with Prebiotics can meet a toddler or child’s full nutritional needs, these formulas are often used along with solid foods or other beverages, such as with an elimination diet. This can make the Neocate serving amount per day a bit tricky to nail down, which is where a healthcare team comes in very handy! It often depends on the foods your child avoids and...
...learned associations with food and discomfort and reinforcement of maladaptive feeding behaviors.1 The development of learned feeding skills starts once the baby is born. But there is a critical period at about four to six months where a baby will start to experiment with more solid/pureed foods. If a child’s progression of feeding development is shifted, due to learned food refusal, a limited diet based on elimination diets, or limited mealtime moments, that may result...
...multiple foods, a hypoallergenic formula can help supplement the elimination diet. For some children who have fewer triggers treatment is simply to avoid those foods. I still have more questions! That’s great! We’re glad you’re curious. We think FPIES is fascinating. It’s just too bad that FPIES symptoms are so scary and that it takes so long to get answers for many families. To learn more about FPIES we recommend checking out some of our...
Neocate<sup>®</sup> Splash – Supports nutritional needs and gives Remington the freedom to stay active
...after Remington wrote the abstract above, the Neocate team captured an update on how he is doing. Watch the video below to find out: Teens and children with severe food allergies often cannot eat the foods that a lot of us take for granted! To stay healthy, they may need to be on a strict elimination diet and supplement their nutrition with specialized hypoallergenic amino acid-based formulas, like Neocate. Learn more about Neocate Splash....
...Neocate Splash Flavors: Neocate Splash comes in 4 great-tasting flavors offering unmatched flavor variety to individuals on an elemental or elimination diet. ✓ Orange-Pineapple (New) ✓ Tropical Fruit (New) ✓ Grape (New) ✓ Unflavored Neocate Splash is the only amino acid-based formula that is ready-to-feed; offering freedom and flexibility to children who require an amino acid-based diet. Neocate Splash is designed to travel well and is ideal for use in out-of-home settings such as daycare...
...When my youngest son was around seven weeks old we discovered that he had multiple food intolerances. I ended up on an elimination diet, removing dairy, soy, eggs and nuts from my diet in order to continue nursing him. With some hard work I was able to successfully continue breastfeeding. I was his sole source of nutrition for many months; so when our doctor said it was time to start introducing solids, I was...
...Oral Budesonide, a Steroid Medication, Mixed with Neocate Nutra For those of you who are not familiar with Neocate Nutra, it is the first and only hypoallergenic, amino acid-based semi-solid medical food. It contains essential vitamins and minerals to promote balanced nutrition in children and infants over 6 months of age with cow milk allergy, multiple food allergies, eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE), short bowel syndrome (SBS) and malabsorption. While an elemental diet or an elimination...

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