Your Search for: cma

99 Result(s)

If you have been reading our blog for the past few years, you may know that I not only have been working for Neocate for over 11 years but I’ve also had firsthand experience with cow milk allergy (CMA) and Neocate. My daughter was recommended to take Neocate when she was just seven weeks old for what doctors and I believe was a cow milk allergy. Once we started Neocate, her reflux and...
About Neocate
We are Nutricia, and we believe in the power of nutrition to make a positive and proven difference to health. Our purpose inspires us every day: to pioneer nutritional discoveries that help people of every age live longer, healthier lives. Since 1896 we, at Nutricia, have been creating advanced medical nutrition for our consumers, and those who care for...
Israel’s Multiple Food Allergies Journey to Diagnosis
I’ve heard several mothers talk about how their baby was fine at the hospital, that their problems didn’t begin until they got home. Our experience didn’t happen like that. From the very first day my son Israel, wouldn’t sleep, but instead screamed and cried constantly. Nothing seemed to soothe him. Our last night at the hospital, we asked the nursery to take him, so we could get some sleep. 15 minutes later they...
When Zoe was just a week old she began extreme vomiting, and started having bloody diarrhea, gas pains and eczema. She was dehydrated, refused to eat and suffering from severe weight loss. “She was so sick we thought we were going to lose her at any moment,” says Amanda, Zoe’s mom. When Zoe was 3 weeks old, she was rushed to the emergency room for severe dehydration. From there she was admitted to...
Blueberry Scones
Looking for an allergy-friendly brunch recipe? Our Neocate® Splash Blueberry Scones are perfect as a dairy-free dessert, lunch, or even a snack idea. This recipe, developed by a professional chef who also happens to be a Registered Dietitian, is one of our favorites! If you are feeling adventurous: experiment with this recipe by substituting another flavor of Neocate Splash. To meet a variety of taste preferences, Neocate Splash comes in four flavors: Orange-Pineapple,...
Patient History: Liza and Scott were extremely worried when Luke, their three week-old son, developed a rash on is face and started experiencing severe diarrhea and bloody stool. “It was terrible seeing Luke so sick and in such pain. We knew he wasn’t gaining enough weight in those first weeks,” says Liza. “We look back on those days and wonder how we got through it.” Nutritional Management and Outcome: When Liza and Scott...
​Fruit Delight
Whether you are introducing your baby to solid food or are just looking for a refreshing summer treat, the following recipe is perfect for a hot day. This recipe is especially refreshing if you cool it in the refrigerator before serving. In the following recipe, either Neocate® Syneo® Infant or Neocate® Infant DHA/ARA can be used. For nutritional information when using Neocate Syneo Infant, please see ‘Nutritional Information’ section below. For nutritional information...
Butternut Squash Soup
This is a great Neocate® Nutra recipe to try when the weather starts to cool off. Butternut squash is delicious, and can be found at your local farmers market or grocery...

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