Your Search for: breastfeeding

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...carpet shampoos, high-quality air purifiers, a shower filter for R.J.’s bath water, chlorine-free diapers and wipes and 100 percent cotton bedding and clothing. R.J. still had no relief. R.J.’s mother was breastfeeding and tried eliminating possible food allergens from her diet as well as switching to a milk-based formula and then to Nutramigen (i.e. hydrolysate formula). Nothing worked. Finally, the family found a pediatrician who recommended Neocate, an amino acid-based formula used to manage the...
...allergens, including common foods allergens like milk, soy, wheat, eggs, peanuts, fish and tree nuts. Remove the trigger from your baby’s life. This may mean changing detergent, purchasing dust-proof mattress covers or sending the family pet outside. It may also mean changing your baby’s diet. If you are breastfeeding, remove all the allergens from your diet. If you are feeding your baby a cow’s milk- or soy-based formula, you’ll want to switch to a hypoallergenic...
We would like to thank Karen Wylie for guest blogging for us and sharing her family’s allergy story. People thought “it couldn’t really be that bad.” People thought “he will just grow out of it.” People thought “he really must be sleeping more than she says.” People thought “lots of kids have colic.” But I KNEW. Parents do. Deep down you know when something is just not right. I knew when my breast...
Infancy is a time marked by rapid growth, requiring important nutrition in the form of breast milk and/or infant formula. A doctor may recommend Neocate for your infant due to cow milk or food allergies and related symptoms, or you may need to add Neocate to an elimination diet. Any transition to a hypoallergenic formula like Neocate can present challenges. Many parents come to us with questions about the taste of formulas like...
...When my youngest son was around seven weeks old we discovered that he had multiple food intolerances. I ended up on an elimination diet, removing dairy, soy, eggs and nuts from my diet in order to continue nursing him. With some hard work I was able to successfully continue breastfeeding. I was his sole source of nutrition for many months; so when our doctor said it was time to start introducing solids, I was...
Today’s guest blog comes from Ellie Sears. Ellie is a wife of 12 years and a stay-at-home-mom to a beautiful three-year-old girl. Ellie and her daughter both have food allergies. Ellie enjoys homemaking and trying new food allergy-friendly recipes. She stays active in advocating for food allergy awareness through her blog and in her hometown. Ellie blogs about life with food allergies at What’s for dinner tonight? A year ago, I could...
...When choosing a formula after a food allergy diagnosis, how can you tell the difference between various formula types? When your little one has a cow milk allergy, the doctor will walk you through management options. The first should be for mom to eliminate dairy and for baby to keep breastfeeding. However, sometimes a formula is necessary to supplement or replace breast milk. Nutrition questions and navigating feeding options can overwhelm even the most...
Roland Edward Alvarez: Born December 6, 2008 Roland is an 18 month old toddler who is now perfectly happy and healthy (although fairly small for his age). To be around him now, you would never know the rough start he had in life or the struggles that he still has with certain foods. Due to a traumatic delivery, Roland spent some time at birth in the hospital. He wasn’t able to nurse, and...

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