Your Search for: top-allergens

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...This month we are doing a series of blog posts on hidden food allergens. So far we have discussed hidden sources of the allergens dairy and soy, and this week we will discuss hidden sources of gluten. If your little one has a gluten allergy or intolerance, you are quite aware of the many challenges it causes. Gluten is a protein commonly found in all forms of wheat and related grains like rye, barley...
...The sandals had gluten on them. She had found out by calling the manufacturer and was able to locate the culprit. I was truly stunned by this! My friend works so hard at avoiding gluten by looking over all food labels and yet, there it was, in her daughters’ flip flops. This got me thinking; what other things are gluten and other allergens hiding in? Here is a list of some surprising hidden allergens in...
05/15/2015 with nutrition is often discussed and preferred by many families over steroids. Here are nutritional management options for EoE: Elemental Diet – A diet consisting almost exclusively of amino acid-based (or elemental) products. Elimination Diets – The removal of allergens from the diet. Tailored Elimination – Elimination of specific allergens based on allergy testing Six Food Elimination – Elimination of 6 top allergens based on the most common allergens seen in EoE patients The...
Hosting a Safe Playdate: Tips for Parents Whose Children Have Friends with Food Allergies
10/11/2017 that they can provide an allergy-free alternative for their child and nobody feels left out. The most important thing is to only give the child the food that their parents provided. Food allergens are often hidden ingredients and it takes a lot of time and practice to master the art of reading food labels and detecting potential allergens. Never assume a food is safe. Make sure to clean the surface of the kitchen or...
...It seems like every kid I know is talking about Toy Story 3 so chances are that your child is begging to go see it. However, a trip to the movie theater is a bit more complicated for a child with food allergies. Today we’ll go over some tips for having a safe and enjoyable movie theater experience. The Movie Theater Concession Stand If your child’s food allergies occur from ingesting food allergens, it’s...
...that may indicate your little one is ready for solids include sitting up alone (or with some assistance), the ability to control her head and neck, and bringing objects to her mouth. It’s best to get the green light from your healthcare team as to when to introduce solid foods. 2. Ask the healthcare team when to introduce common food allergens. You want your little one’s first experience with solid foods to be positive! You...
Submit Your Recipe
...Do you have a finger-licking good, surprisingly simple recipe that’s free of major allergens? We’d love to try them! Share your best Neocate recipes with us today....
Going to Preschool or Daycare with Food Allergies
...exception! But if you haven’t had this conversation with your child yet, don’t wait! Your child will be away for several hours in an environment that presents the risk of exposure to allergens. Start now, don’t wait, and help your child to advocate for themselves! 6. LOOK AT UPCOMING LUNCH OR SNACK MENUS AND IDENTIFY OPTIONS, AND PROVIDE THE PRESCHOOL WITH A LIST OF FOODS THAT YOUR LITTLE ONE CAN ENJOY AT ANY TIME. Many...

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