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A few weeks ago, I wrote about Where To Start: Tips for New Food Allergy Parents when adjusting to life with food allergies. Soon after your child is diagnosed, you will realize how food is the focal point of every social occasion. So this week, I’ll share some tips for socializing as well as some ideas for a safer kitchen area. Setting Up a Safe Kitchen Your child’s age, the severity of his/her...
As summer winds down and the school year approaches, parents of children with allergies might be wondering “What will my child eat for lunch?” If you have a child for whom school lunch is not an option, here are some ideas for balanced and nutritious meals that are free of the top eight allergens. They take some time to prepare, so you might consider serving them for dinner and sending leftovers for lunch...
...the taste or texture of the product. Product safety and quality is of utmost importance to Nutricia and we conducted a thorough investigation of our manufacturing practices, including the factory and supply chain. Changes were made in the manufacture of Neocate Splash Unflavored and these changes have resolved the formation of calcium particles. No changes were made to the ingredients or amounts of ingredients in Neocate Splash Unflavored. The nutrition content remains the same. If...
As allergy season approaches and the layer of pollen builds on our cars, patio furniture and everything in between, going outside can become downright miserable for allergy sufferers. On days with peak pollen levels, sometimes its best for those of us with seasonal allergies to avoid the outdoors as much as possible, at least until a good rain helps wash away some of the pollen. If you or your child has indoor...
Allergy-Friendly foods are for everyone, but do you know why? Allergy-Friendly Foods are everywhere. Since these foods are everywhere, sometimes we step back and think, and often make a change in our life. As a dietitian, I know the word ‘diet’ is perceived as a forbidden 4-letter word. In reality, diet is just the general term for what and how you eat, regardless if that includes a plan, specific structure, or even just...
We’ve talked about epinephrine auto-injectors before on Food Allergy Living, including how to travel with them and what to do in case of an accidental injection of epinephrine. With the new school year upon us, many parents of children with food allergies are faced with the dilemma of where to store their child’s epinephrine auto-injector at school. Should they carry it with them at all times? Should it be stored in the nurse’s...
...Storage Repurpose cans to store toys such as building blocks, marbles, or toy cars. You can also reuse formula cans to keep your scrapbooking or craft items in place. They make great storage containers for buttons, ribbons, safety pins, beads and/or other small items you have lying around. You can even print out pictures of these items from the internet, and then use them to decorate. It’s an easy way to decorate and label what...
I have many fond memories of play dates with my friends as a young child. But as a child with Type 1 Diabetes, my mother had to be prepared when dropping me off at a friend’s house to play. Before the playtime fun could begin, she would always have informative discussions with the family to ensure they were comfortable and understood my condition. First, my mom had to make sure that my friends’...

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