Your Search for: asthma

39 Result(s)

09/07/2016 eating and feeding disturbances. She is based in Greenville, South Carolina. Her professional organization memberships include: The American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI) American College of Allerg Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) The Council for Pediatric Nutrition Professionals (CPNP) The International Network for Diet Nutrition in Allergy (INDANA). She speaks regularly at conferences for medical professionals and for families. You can find her on her Facebook page or in her private practice–Seagrass...
Elimination Diet for Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE): Things I wish I knew Before Starting
...based on her extensive experience working with the families of patients diagnosed with EoE. Please be sure to talk to members of your child’s healthcare team to determine if this information is appropriate for your child. She works with families in an outpatient setting and also teaches college courses. Her professional organization memberships include: The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI), American College of Allergy Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) The Council for Pediatric...
Eosinophilic Esophagitis Causes
...Like many food allergies and related disorders, doctors aren’t sure of the exact cause of EoE. Nor do they know why some people develop EoE, while others do not. Many people with EoE also have other allergic conditions such as hay fever, asthma, and food allergies. Our bodies have many tools to fight infection. One of these is a type of white blood cell called an eosinophil. In EoE, food allergens can cause large...
01/31/2008 allergy to soy, remove all soy from his/her diet immediately. A few symptoms of soy allergy are: Acne Asthma Diarrhea Eczema Fever Itching Lethargy Hives Vomiting Wheezing So, if you’re changing your child’s formula because he/she has a milk allergy, the recommended options are formulas whose protein comes from extensively hydrolyzed milk protein or from amino acids. Amino acid-based formulas have been clinically shown to relieve the symptoms of a milk allergy. As always,...
12/14/2010 help manage the siblings’ reactions to the situation? I would love to hear what you all have done. Although every child may need a different technique, if we all share our ideas, I’m sure it can help at least one family! – Christine Graham-Garo 1. M.E. Bollinger et al. (2006) The impact of food allergy on the daily activities of children and their families. Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, 96: 415-421. [Image Source]...
Will My Child Outgrow Cow Milk Allergy?
...2000;136:119-20. de Boissieu D, Dupont C. Allergy to extensively hydrolyzed cow’s milk proteins in infants: safety and duration of amino acid-based formula. : J Pediatr. 2002;141:271-3. The natural history of peanut and tree nut allergy. Fleischer DM. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep. 2007 Jun;7(3):175-81. Review. March 2016. Cow’s milk (dairy) allergy, Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy, [] Viewed 6 May 2016 Motala & Fiocchi, 2012, Cow’s milk allergy in children, World Allergy Organisation, []...
...In a recent article published by the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI), a panel of allergy experts and emergency physicians advise that emergency medicine teams should administer epinephrine to any patient they suspect is experiencing an allergic reaction. This challenges previous recommendations that the decision to use epinephrine should be weighed more carefully. Epinephrine is considered by doctors to be the first line of defense in an episode of anaphylaxis, or...
...What happens on the playground or on a field trip? Carrying Epinephrine at School If your child is old enough, some schools will allow them to carry the epinephrine auto-injector with them at school or on a field trip and self-administer in the case of a reaction. To find out specific details about what the legislation mandates in your state, you can visit the Allergy & Asthma Network website which provides overview for each state’s...

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