Your Search for: wheezing

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...If you’re reading this article, chances are your child has recently had a frightening allergic reaction. Or, after months of colic, acid reflux, eczema, hives or wheezing, your child was finally diagnosed with multiple food allergies. With either of these events, you may not realize it, but you’ve been hit by the allergy avalanche. If you are at all like I was when I when the avalanche got me, you’re wondering how in... is that Paulie is allergic to dozens of foods, or that simply sitting with his friends for lunch in the cafeteria would be a danger to his health. Paulie began showing signs of allergies as an infant. He developed eczema by 10 weeks of age. Traditional therapies were ineffective. By five months, Paulie was wheezing daily. After hours on the phone, looking for an allergy specialist, I knew exactly what the next call would...
...such as skin itching, hives, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, breathing difficulties such as wheezing or coughing, or the life-threatening response called anaphylactic shock. As you likely know, the diagnosis of food allergies is not an easy process. Experts at the Jaffe Food Allergy Institute in New York recommend that diagnosis of food allergies include careful interpretation of a variety of factors. These include physical examination, a skin test or RASTs, detailed patient history, and oral food...
01/31/2008 allergy to soy, remove all soy from his/her diet immediately. A few symptoms of soy allergy are: Acne Asthma Diarrhea Eczema Fever Itching Lethargy Hives Vomiting Wheezing So, if you’re changing your child’s formula because he/she has a milk allergy, the recommended options are formulas whose protein comes from extensively hydrolyzed milk protein or from amino acids. Amino acid-based formulas have been clinically shown to relieve the symptoms of a milk allergy. As always,...

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