Your Search for: food-labels

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06/29/2010 review food labels and ask questions about ingredients in recipes before consuming any foods. The Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act of 2004. What Is A Food Intolerances? Food intolerance is the inability to properly digest or fully process certain foods. This does not involve an immune response, but is still an adverse food-induced reaction that can cause uncomfortable symptoms similar to a food allergy. For example, lactose intolerance is caused when a...
...Halloween can be a challenging holiday for families with food allergies. Most Halloween candy options contain tree nuts, peanuts, milk, egg, soy or wheat – 6 of the most common allergens. Adding to the challenge of finding allergy-friendly treats is the complexities around food labels. At times, miniature or fun-size versions of candy items contain different ingredients than their full-size counterparts. Plus, some miniature candy items may not have labels! This makes it harder...
...who regularly see your child, including relatives, caregivers and their friends’ parents. Always read food labels to see if the product contains ingredients your child is allergic to, OR made in a factory that produces other food products that contain the allergen (factory information is beginning to appear on some labels). Get support at school and daycare. Involve your child’s primary teacher, the school nurse, and key food service staff and make them aware of...
Hosting a Safe Playdate: Tips for Parents Whose Children Have Friends with Food Allergies
10/11/2017 that they can provide an allergy-free alternative for their child and nobody feels left out. The most important thing is to only give the child the food that their parents provided. Food allergens are often hidden ingredients and it takes a lot of time and practice to master the art of reading food labels and detecting potential allergens. Never assume a food is safe. Make sure to clean the surface of the kitchen or...
...When it comes to reading food labels, there is so much more to it then the ingredient listed on the label. This sparked us to think about ingredients and the importance of understanding ingredients when dealing with food allergies. Understanding fats, carbohydrates and proteins will be the topics of our next series. Within the next few months we hope to cover some common inquiries such as types of fat, healthy vs. unhealthy fats,...
...of all good things, it is also time-consuming and a lot of work. So, Great job! to all of you who have eliminated suspected allergens from your diet to support your little one! Tip #1, for Lactating Moms: Make sure to read food labels carefully. There are often “hidden” ingredients that contain the allergens you are trying to avoid. Let’s look at cow milk, for example, the most common food allergen for little ones. If...
...‘Tis the season for back to school. While this can be exciting for many students and parents, there can be added anxiety for those dealing with food allergies. Besides the typical hustle and bustle associated with getting school supplies ready, food allergies require some extra preparation to assure a smooth and safe school transition. Assembling a variety of care plan documents, Bringing allergy-related supplies and Communicating with school administration, teachers and other students is...
...Keep the hard copy for yourself and make additional copies for other caregivers of your child. 4. Learn To Read and Understand Ingredient Labels: Learn how to scan and read ingredient labels so you can buy and stock up on safe foods. Not sure how to correctly read a label? For a clearer explanation, visit FARE’s website. 5. Educate Yourself: When looking for information, it is crucial to find accredited, credible, and positive resources. A...

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