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Feeding a child on a restrictive diet. Tips and tricks Feeding a child on a restrictive diet is complicated and stressful for any family. Add feeding a child on a restrictive diet and it is enough to make any parent crazy. Why do kids sometimes refuse to eat? What is the reason why they stop eating foods they love? Why do they eat one thing one day and then the very next day...
Recycling Neocate cans, as we’ve mentioned before, is part of reducing our impact on the Earth. That’s why we encourage everyone to reuse or recycle their Neocate cans. The best part about recycling is that it can be a family activity, and there are plenty of ways to get your kids excited about it all. Recycling Neocate Cans Did you know that all empty Neocate product cans are recyclable, as well as the...
Artificial Sweeteners, Explained
What are artificial sweeteners? Artificial sweeteners are altered versions of naturally occurring compounds. These altered versions taste sweet or sweeter than regular sugar and are called “high intensity” or “non-nutritive” sweeteners. Very small amounts of artificial sweeteners can be used in foods to match the sweetness of sugar. Why are artificial sweeteners used? Artificial sweeteners usually replace sugar in foods and beverages. Their use is a way to reduce the calories in beverages,...
Bullying and Food Allergies. What You Can Do?
Bullying is upsetting to any child Kids with food allergies deal with the daily challenge of their allergies. In addition, bullying is especially stressful for them, due to the emotional. However, potential exposure to their allergens also poses a serious, sometimes life-threatening health risk. Now, let’s look at bullying and food allergies, tips for prevention, and other available resources to raise awareness and manage it. Know the Facts Both the number of children...
Many parents come to April and I with questions about introducing new foods to their child once he or she is symptom-free and growing strong. Of course, this is something you should talk about with your child’s doctor or dietitian. After all, every child – and every child’s allergy – is different. But we’ve also put together a transition guide that we think you’ll find helpful. Here are a few highlights: Only...
An allergy-friendly breakfast is a simple and fun way to spend time together. Neocate Fruity Tutti Pancakes An allergy-friendly breakfast is fun. Doesn’t this name just makes you want to try some! This is a great recipe if you are looking for a nice, hot breakfast option. Perfect if the rest of your family is eating pancakes and you are looking to make allergy-friendly option. Pancakes also make a good finger-food option for...
Q: Our family keeps kosher, and we just found out that my child needs Neocate and Duocal. I know some formulas aren’t kosher. Can you tell me if your products are, and which kosher certifications they have? A: Sure! Most Neocate products and Duocal have been certified kosher pareve. (“Pareve” means there is nothing derived from milk or meat used in the product or on the manufacturing equipment.) Read more about Neocate Infant...
Allergy-Friendly School Lunch Ideas Allergy-Friendly School Lunches are Vital for us all, and rushing in the morning can be stressful and potentially can put you into a lunch idea rut. Here are some inspirational ideas that you might find useful to reduce stress in the morning. We asked our parents and patients for allergy-friendly lunch recipes We started this round-up of ideas for allergy-friendly school lunch recipes, by first asking our Facebook and...

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