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22 Result(s)

...Depending on where you live in the world and your personal beliefs, March 8th can either be a day of celebrating women (somewhere between a Mother’s Day and Valentine’s day) or it can take on a more political twist. Today we would like to take the opportunity to tip our hats to women everywhere and share some of our favorite inspirational quotes to help you get into a celebratory mood. “Nothing is impossible; the...
Today’s guest blog comes from Ellie Sears. Ellie is a wife of 12 years and a stay-at-home-mom to a beautiful three-year-old girl. Ellie and her daughter both have food allergies. Ellie enjoys homemaking and trying new food allergy-friendly recipes. She stays active in advocating for food allergy awareness through her blog and in her hometown. Ellie blogs about life with food allergies at What’s for dinner tonight? A year ago, I could...
...allergy). If you’re traveling to Grandma’s or Aunt Sally’s, offer to help them make a “safe” dish and bring whatever else your child needs along for the trip. View Neocate Recipes for Inspiration. Make new holiday traditions that everyone in your family can enjoy, such as taking a walk together or playing a game. For your little one, a new tradition is just as special as an old one! View additional Celebrating Holidays with Food...
Recycling Neocate cans, as we’ve mentioned before, is part of reducing our impact on the Earth. That’s why we encourage everyone to reuse or recycle their Neocate cans. The best part about recycling is that it can be a family activity, and there are plenty of ways to get your kids excited about it all. Recycling Neocate Cans Did you know that all empty Neocate product cans are recyclable, as well as the...
...mentality you know that taste is important, and delicious food is a delight. Allergy-friendly foods are delicious and better than their counterparts with allergens. Need some ideas or inspiration? Check out our Neocate Footsteps Recipe book. We also have a variety of Neocate recipes on our Neocate Pinterest page, our Neocate YouTube channel, and Neocate Facebook page. Many of the recipes and videos on our Neocate YouTube channel are available in Spanish as well. Tell...
10/27/2016 desperately needed. She started to grow again as her overall dietary status improved. There are situations where food allergy plays a role in the development of a rash or worsening eczema. See your doctor or dietitian before starting an elimination diet. Our guest blog today comes from Alexia Beauregard. Alexia Beauregard is a Registered Dietitian. The inspiration for this blog is her extensive experience working with the families of patients diagnosed with EoE....
...Members of your EoE healthcare team will evaluate the need for a 4-food elimination diet. Do not be afraid to ask questions when you go about identifying what foods trigger your inflammation and EoE symptoms. Our guest blog today comes from Alexia Beauregard. Alexia Beauregard is a Registered Dietitian. The inspiration for this blog is based on her extensive experience working with the families of patients diagnosed with EoE. Last update on January 24, 2019...
...sole source of nutrition. Do not rely on these beverages the same way you would on cow milk and dairy products. Our guest blog today comes from Alexia Beauregard. Alexia Beauregard is a Registered Dietitian. The inspiration for this blog is based on her extensive experience working with the families of patients diagnosed with EoE. Please be sure to talk to members of your child’s healthcare team before applying this information. Last updated February 2020....

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